
ABCI applications depend on some kind of merkelized storage in order to achieve consensus on a valid application state. The SDK has two database options to interpret StoreEffs, an in-memory avl-auth option as well as a persisted iavl option.


The most convenient way to partition a key-value store is by heavy use of prefixes -- for example, if you want to separate each module's keyspace, you can use prefix all of the keys that it manages by the module's unique name. If you want to partition storage within a module, say for a list or mapping, you can again use prefixes to create a unique keyspace.

The definition of a Store is a unique keyspace. Implementation wise, it is effectively a list of prefixes to concatenate when creating keys. There are currently 6 ways of creating Stores:

  1. From a KeyRoot, which basically defines a top level Store.
  2. Using the nestStore function to mount one Store in another.
  3. By creating a Var, which creates a keyspace with exactly one key.
  4. By creating an Array, which creates a keyspace whose keys are type Word64.
  5. By creating a Map k v, which creates a keyspace whose keys are type k.
  6. By creating a List, which creates a linked list whose keyspace is internal.

Because a Store is a unique keyspace, it allows us to build a typed key-value storage on top of the raw ByteString interface. This is achieved by adding a phantom namespace type to the Store type and declaring an instance of the IsKey class:

data Store ns = Store
  { storePathFromRoot :: [ByteString]

class RawKey k where
  rawKey :: Iso' k BS.ByteString

class RawKey k => IsKey k ns where
  type Value k ns :: *


Let's take the example of the Auth module which is responsible for maintaining a mapping Address -> Account. To declare the mapping, we first need to make a namespace and a root storage for the module:

data AuthNamespace

store :: Store AuthNamespace
store = makeStore $ KeyRoot "auth"

In order to make the actual mapping in storage, we can either (1) write it by hand or (2) use a convenient template haskell splice which takes care of this boilerplate for us. These two methods are equivalent.

Option 1: By Hand

In order to do this by hand, we need to make a new keyspace for our accounts mapping, which looks like

data AccountsMapKey = AccountsMapKey

instance RawKey AccountsMapKey where
    rawKey = iso (const "accountsMap") (const AccountsMapKey)

instance IsKey AccountsMapKey AuthNamespace where
  type Value AccountsMapKey AuthNamespace = Map Address Account

This tells the compiler that the AccountsMapKey key type can only be used to access the mapping Map Address Account, it cannot be used to query any other types.

We can then declare the mapping itself like

accountsMap :: Map Address Account
accountsMap = makeMap AccountsMapKey store

This both creates the mapping and mounts it inside of our module level store.

Option 2: Using the Template Haskell splice

If you want to use the template haskell splice (as is done in the SDK and example applications), you can simply write

$(makeSubStore 'store "accountsMap" [t| Map Address Account|] accountsKey)

This does the following:

  1. Makes a substore rooted at the store :: Store AuthNamespace defined above, and names this value accountsMap.
  2. Annotates accountsMap with type Map Address Account.
  3. Creates a singleton type AccountsMapKey which is the key to access this map directly. This key has is effectively a prefix "accountsMap".

Querying the store

If you wanted to query the underlying raw key-value store for the account associated to the address 0xdeadbeef, then the actual key looks something like

encodeUtf8 "auth" <> encodeUtf8 "accountsMap" <> bytesFromHex "0xdeafbeef"

While writing apps inside the SDK you do not need to worry about the explicit prefixing since everything is taken care of for you. However, if you are querying for state via an ABCI query message, the key field that is returned in the response will contain this full path. In the above example, if you wanted to recover the address from the key, you would need to know the prefixes that were applied.