The Router is where you specify the handlers for the messages that the module accepts. The router is typed in a servant style, using combinators and primitives to declare a very precise type for the router.
module Tutorial.Nameservice.Router where
import Nameservice.Modules.Nameservice.Keeper (NameserviceEffs,
buyName, deleteName,
import Nameservice.Modules.Nameservice.Messages (BuyName, DeleteName,
import Polysemy (Members, Sem)
import Tendermint.SDK.Modules.Bank (BankEffs)
import Servant.API ((:<|>) (..))
import Tendermint.SDK.BaseApp ((:~>), BaseEffs,
RouteContext (..),
RoutingTx (..),
TxEffs, TypedMessage,
incCount, withTimer)
import Tendermint.SDK.Types.Message (Msg (..))
import Tendermint.SDK.Types.Transaction (Tx (..))
Typing the Router
First we declare the type for our router
type MessageApi =
TypedMessage BuyName :~> Return ()
:<|> TypedMessage SetName :~> Return ()
:<|> TypedMessage DeleteName :~> Return ()
Lets break it down:
is the operator which denotes alternative, so our router is composed of 3 handlers in this case.TypedMessage
is a combinator that specifies the message type we want to accept. We require that whatever the message type is, it implements theHasTypedMessage
is a combinator that allows us to connect a message type with a responseReturn
is used to specify the return type.
Since there are two possible ABCI messages that the router has to accomodate, checkTx
and deliverTx
, the router may return different values depending on the ABCI message type. For example, it's possible that the checkTx
does not fully mimic the transaction and simply returns ()
, while the deliverTx
message returns a value of type Whois
. Concretely you would write
type BuyNameHandler = TypeMessage BuyName :~> Return' 'OnCheckUnit Whois
or equivalently using the alias
type BuyNameHandler = TypeMessage BuyName :~> Return Whois
Alternatively, you could write the application so that each checkTx
ABCI message is handled in the same way as the deliverTx
message, e.g. the both return a value of type Whois
type BuyNameHandler = TypeMessage BuyName :~> Return' 'OnCheckEval Whois
In the case of our actual application, all the transactions return ()
for both checkTx
and deliverTx
Implementing the Handlers
Similar to the servant style, the types for the handlers must be computed from the type of the router. This requires that you understand what each of the combinators corresponds to, and again this ultimately depends on which RouteContext
we're in, either CheckTx
or DeliverTx
Rather than cover all possible cases, we just note that in the case of the Nameservice app we end up with the following server type for the DeliverTx
:: Members BaseEffs r
=> Members BankEffs r
=> Members NameserviceEffs r
=> RouteTx MessageApi r 'DeliverTx
messageHandlers = buyNameH :<|> setNameH :<|> deleteNameH
:: Members BaseEffs r
=> Members TxEffs r
=> Members BankEffs r
=> Members NameserviceEffs r
=> RoutingTx BuyName
-> Sem r ()
buyNameH (RoutingTx Tx{txMsg=Msg{msgData}}) = do
incCount "buy_total"
withTimer "buy_duration_seconds" $ buyName msgData
:: Members BaseEffs r
=> Members TxEffs r
=> Members NameserviceEffs r
=> RoutingTx SetName
-> Sem r ()
setNameH (RoutingTx Tx{txMsg=Msg{msgData}}) = do
incCount "set_total"
withTimer "set_duration_seconds" $ setName msgData
:: Members BaseEffs r
=> Members TxEffs r
=> Members BankEffs r
=> Members NameserviceEffs r
=> RoutingTx DeleteName
-> Sem r ()
deleteNameH (RoutingTx Tx{txMsg=Msg{msgData}}) = do
incCount "delete_total"
withTimer "delete_duration_seconds" $ deleteName msgData
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