The Types
module is used to define the basic types that the module will make use of. This includes things like custom error types, event types, database types, etc.
Using A Typed Key Value Store
It is important to note that the database modeled by the RawStore
effect (in the BaseApp
type) is just a key value store for raw ByteString
s. This means you can think of RawStore
type RawStore = Map ByteString ByteString
although the definition of RawStore
is different than the above.
The interface we give is actually a typed key value store. This means that within the scope of a module m
, for any key type k
, there is only one possible value type v
associated with k
For example, a user's balance in the Bank
module, might be modeled by a mapping
balance :: Tendermint.SDK.Types.Address -> Integer
(We'll properly introduce the module Bank
later in the walkthrough.)
This means that in the scope of the Bank
module, the database utlity get
function applied to a value of type Address
will result in a value of type Integer
. If the Bank
module would like to store another mapping whose keys have type Tendermint.SDK.Types.Address
, you must use a newtype instead. Otherwise you will get a compiler error.
At the same time, you are free to define another mapping from k -> v
in the scope of a different module. For example, you can have both the balance
mapping described above, as well as a mapping
owner :: Tendermint.SDK.Types.Address -> Account
in the Auth
Let's look at the example in Nameservice.Types
module Tutorial.Nameservice.Types where
import Control.Lens (iso)
import qualified Data.Aeson as A
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap)
import Data.String.Conversions (cs)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Word (Word64)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Nameservice.Aeson (defaultNameserviceOptions)
import Proto3.Suite (Message, fromByteString, toLazyByteString)
import qualified Tendermint.SDK.BaseApp as BA
import Tendermint.SDK.Codec (HasCodec(..))
import Tendermint.SDK.Types.Address (Address)
import Tendermint.SDK.Modules.Auth (Amount (..))
import Tendermint.SDK.Modules.Bank ()
Storage types
Remember the Nameservice
module is responsible for maintaining a marketplace around a mapping Name -> Whois
. Let us define the types for the marketplace mapping as
newtype Name = Name Text deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, A.ToJSON, A.FromJSON, HasCodec)
data Whois = Whois
{ whoisValue :: Text
, whoisOwner :: Address
, whoisPrice :: Amount
} deriving (Eq, Show)
The way that we register Name
as a key in the store is by using the RawKey
class RawKey k where
rawKey :: Iso' k ByteString
This class gives us a way to convert back and forth from a key to its encoding as a ByteString
. In our case we implement
-- here cs resolves to Data.Text.Encoding.encodeUtf8, Data.Text.Encoding.decodeUtf8 respectively
instance BA.RawKey Name where
rawKey = iso (\(Name n) -> cs n) (Name . cs)
In order to register Whois
as a storage type, we must implement the HasCodec
class HasCodec a where
encode :: a -> ByteString
decode :: ByteString -> Either Text a
This class is used everywhere in the SDK as the binary codec class for things like storage items, messages, transaction formats etc. It's agnostic to the actual serialization format, you can use JSON
, Protobuf
, etc. Throughout the SDK we typically use protobuf
as it is powerful in addition to the fact that there's decent support for this in Haskell either through the proto3-suite
package or the proto-lens
So we can implement a HasCodec
instance for Whois
via the WhoisMessage
-- Message is a class from proto3-suite that defines protobuf codecs generically.
data WhoisMessage = WhoisMessage
{ whoisMessageValue :: Text
, whoisMessageOwner :: Address
, whoisMessagePrice :: Word64
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance Message WhoisMessage
instance HasCodec Whois where
encode Whois {..} =
let whoisMessage = WhoisMessage
{ whoisMessageValue = whoisValue
, whoisMessageOwner = whoisOwner
, whoisMessagePrice = unAmount whoisPrice
in cs . toLazyByteString $ whoisMessage
decode =
let toWhois WhoisMessage {..} = Whois
{ whoisValue = whoisMessageValue
, whoisOwner = whoisMessageOwner
, whoisPrice = Amount whoisMessagePrice
in bimap (cs . show) toWhois . fromByteString @WhoisMessage
Finally we can register (Name, Whois)
with the module's store with the IsKey
class, which tells how to associate a key type with a value type within the scope of a given module, where the scope is represented by the modules name as a type level string. There is an optional prefixing function for the key in this context in order to avoid collisions in the database. This would be useful for example if you were using multiple newtyped Address
types as keys in the same module.
class RawKey k => IsKey k ns where
type Value k ns = a | a -> ns k
prefixWith :: Proxy k -> Proxy ns -> BS.ByteString
default prefixWith :: Proxy k -> Proxy ns -> BS.ByteString
prefixWith _ _ = ""
For the case of the Name -> Whois
mapping, the IsKey
instance looks like this:
data NameserviceNamespace
instance BA.IsKey Name NameserviceNamespace where
type Value Name NameserviceNamespace = Whois
At this point, you can use the database operations exported by Tendermint.SDK.BaseApp.Store
such as put
for key value pairs of type (Name, Whois)
Query Types
The cosmos-sdk
assumes that you use url
formatted queries with some possible query params. For example, to query a Whois
value based on a Name
, you might submit a query
message with the route nameservice/whois
and supply a value of type Name
to specify as the data
field. Our SDK makes the same assumption for compatibility reasons.
Error Types
You might want to define a module specific error type that has a throw
interface. This error type should be accessible by any other dependent modules, and any uncaught error should eventually be converted into some kind of generic application error understandable by Tendermint.
There is a simple way to do this using the IsAppError
data AppError = AppError
{ appErrorCode :: Word32
, appErrorCodespace :: Text
, appErrorMessage :: Text
} deriving Show
class IsAppError e where
makeAppError :: e -> AppError
The fields for AppError
correspond to tendermint message fields for messages that support error return types, such as checkTx
, deliverTx
, and query
. Typically we use the module name as the codespace, like in the definition of NameserviceError
data NameserviceError =
InsufficientBid Text
| UnauthorizedSet Text
| InvalidDelete Text
instance BA.IsAppError NameserviceError where
-- remember 'symbolVal (Proxy @NameserviceName)' resolves to "nameservice"
makeAppError (InsufficientBid msg) =
{ appErrorCode = 1
, appErrorCodespace = "nameservice"
, appErrorMessage = msg
makeAppError (UnauthorizedSet msg) =
{ appErrorCode = 2
, appErrorCodespace = "nameservice"
, appErrorMessage = msg
makeAppError (InvalidDelete msg) =
{ appErrorCode = 3
, appErrorCodespace = "nameservice"
, appErrorMessage = msg
Event Types
Tendermint has the capability to report event logs for transactions in the responses for both checkTx
and deliverTx
messages. The basic event type can be found in Network.ABCI.Types.MessageFields
, it is simply a named key value mapping between Bytestring
data Event = Event
{ eventType :: Text
-- ^ Type of Event
, eventAttributes :: [KVPair]
-- ^ Event attributes
data KVPair = KVPair
{ kVPairKey :: Base64String
-- ^ key
, kVPairValue :: Base64String
-- ^ value
Similar to the custom error messages, you can define custom events at the module level as long as they implement the ToEvent
class to translate them to this standard type:
class ToEvent e where
makeEventType :: Proxy e -> String
makeEventData :: e -> [(BS.ByteString, BS.ByteString)]
default makeEventData :: A.ToJSON e => e -> [(BS.ByteString, BS.ByteString)]
makeEventData e = case A.toJSON e of
A.Object obj -> bimap cs (cs . A.encode) <$> toList obj
_ -> mempty
As you can see, there is a default instance for those types which have a JSON
representation as an Object
. The reason that we chose a JSON
default instance is simply because of support for generics, but this isn't set in stone.
In the case of Nameservice
, here is an example of a custom event:
data NameClaimed = NameClaimed
{ nameClaimedOwner :: Address
, nameClaimedName :: Name
, nameClaimedValue :: Text
, nameClaimedBid :: Amount
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
-- 'defaultNameserviceOptions' is used to remove the record accessor prefix.
nameClaimedAesonOptions :: A.Options
nameClaimedAesonOptions = defaultNameserviceOptions "nameClaimed"
instance A.ToJSON NameClaimed where
toJSON = A.genericToJSON nameClaimedAesonOptions
instance A.FromJSON NameClaimed where
parseJSON = A.genericParseJSON nameClaimedAesonOptions
instance BA.ToEvent NameClaimed